Episode 5: Pastor John Pelonero

On this episode I get to finally interview one of the greatest men in my life personally. Pastor John is my spiritual father in much the same way that Paul was to Timothy. In my early struggles he came along side of me and held my arms up when I was too weak to continue. He even helped to form The Warrior's Cry, although his help was indirect, if it wasn't for our very first conversation and constant revelation afterward I would have never established this ministry. Please listen and like on iTunes, Google Play Music, or any other podcasting service you enjoy, give us high ratings so that we can be found by even more listeners.  

The Warrior's Thoughts: Episode 1: Communion

Communion is such an important but extremely underutilized practice in the Body of Christ. In the first episode of this subcast of The Warrior's Cry, I talk about my experience with it and why it is so important. Tell me what you think.

Episode 3: Drew Koehler: The Dirty Christian

This episode features myself interviewing Drew Koehler from all the way in Washington State, He hosts The Dirty Christian Podcast, and curates The Dirty Christian Facebook Page, among other things. See About Our Guests page to see more about how to stay up to date with Drew. 

True Church

The true Church is not measured by the denomination you claim to be a member of, nor the building in which you inhabit. The True Church is measured by who you are. Who do you identify with? Do you identify as Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist? Or do you identify as Christ, who set aside His place in Heaven at the Right Hand of the Father? Who lowered Himself to our level as a servant, not as a King, but as nothing to shame the things that set themselves up as something. My identity is Christ, as I am in Him, He is in me, and you. Let not your theology keep you from the one Minded mission that is God's. To Love Him with Everything, and then to Love our Neighbor as He would. That is the Good News, That is the True Church.

Love, The Greatest Weapon of All

It occurred to me that as a Christian we are brought up to become apologists concerning our faith, some of us seek to prove other faiths wrong by attacking their doctrines and ideals. As if by doing so we prove our doctrines and ideals any more real or realistic. I know this note will definitely scandalize much of my readership, which at this time is fairly small. But I decided to treat this page with more dignity than to care about what the few think in regards to a true message. The message is this: Love your neighbor as yourself; treat others with the same kindness that God showed you when you repented.

Were you totally there when you repented? Did you have it totally together? Did you not know that God chose the things that are despised in the Earth to call his own. Some of us were found in prostitution, some witchcraft, some murder yet God showed you kindness. Why can’t you show that kindness to another who does not believe? Go to where the sinner is and love them. Instead we hang out in safe areas, areas that are not as affected by the world like church. Our Christian friends and family insulate us from those who truly need God. We sit in circles and expound to each other the truths of God instead of living the truths of God in the world and showing kindness and love to those who don’t know.

When a Jehovah’s Witness comes to your door what do you do? Do you send them away or offer them cold water and a rest? Sure they may try to speak their doctrine, let them. But let God win them by His endless kindness. Love covers a multitude of sin, inasmuch kindness overcomes a multitude of doctrine. When a Mormon comes knocking, welcome them into your home, offer them rest and kindness. Allow them to speak because when they do I believe that my God will speak to them and love them to repentance. You know we were never told that we have to do all the work, what if that is it? Just plant the seed, make sure they know that the Lord is your Strength, but don’t bash, because then you nullify the kindness in which you exhibited.
— https://www.facebook.com/notes/the-warriors-cry/love-the-greatest-weapon-of-all/163669216982214

I wrote this blog on my Facebook Page on September 28, 2010 at 10:22 AM. I spoke about this during Episode 1: Pastor Nick Honerkamp, and the most fascinating thing was that God tested my thoughts on this soon after I published. Shockingly it has been a little less than 6 years ago, and I remember it like it was yesterday. Two Jehovah's Witness women knocked on my door within 10 minutes of my posting this to The Warrior's Cry Facebook page. 

Love is the greatest weapon of all simply because who can criticize when you have love? Who can ridicule you when you have an open heart that shows the love of Christ? 

Didn't Christ hang out with the prostitute? Did he criticize their life choices or nag them into change? No, He loved them, showed them the love of God, fed them, clothed them, then he told them to go and sin no more. 

The Church seems fascinated by formulas so here is a formula. God will never give us an opportunity to change someone unless we first love them. First comes love, then comes repentance, without love the turning from sin is simply hollow.